Why The ClayGround, Why Now?

I’ve been what I consider to be a “hobby potter” for a short number of years, creating cups that end up bowls and bowls that become spoon rests.

Until a couple of years ago, I hadn’t touched cold clay since childhood but once I had my hands in a freshly opened bag of clay, the anchoring I felt was immediate. 

I have to choose my words carefully because I don’t want to sound too “woo-woo” and scare you off right away, but it was simply a grounding experience for me. I can honestly say that I was terrible at it at first!

I was in such a need of stress relief, I didn’t care. The noticeable change in me was so immediate that it prompted me to jump right into a rabbit hole of research that led to the opening of The ClayGround as you see it today.

My personal soapbox is how our society (post Industrial Revolution) wasn’t built for those of us that truly need balanced brain activity. Your right brain is your creative, emotional side and your left, rational and analytical. The workforce tends to reward the left-brain activity.

I’ve been in “corporate America” for 20 years – leveraging all the power I had stored away in my left-brain hemisphere, neglecting the right side’s need for stimulation. Meanwhile, I have always considered myself creative and artistic but as I progressed at work, that side of myself dwindled away with my work/life balance leaving me one evening sitting in my spare bedroom closet staring at a small pottery wheel wondering, “What now?”.

I heard God say “Are you sure you want to know?” 

I have a lot to share on how this entire project unfolded but for today, I want to share with you exactly how working with clay can benefit you on a basic level. I’ll save the “woo-woo” electromagnetic properties and benefits explanation for another day.

Until then, here are 8 ways that pottery supports overall well-being.

  1. Mindfulness and Relaxation: Pottery requires a focused and present mindset. The process of shaping clay, centering it on the wheel, and creating pottery pieces encourages mindfulness and can help reduce stress and anxiety.

  2. Creative Expression: Engaging in pottery allows for artistic expression and creativity. This can be a therapeutic outlet for emotions and thoughts that might be difficult to express through words alone.

  3. Sense of Accomplishment: Successfully creating a pottery piece can provide a sense of accomplishment and boost self-esteem. The act of turning a lump of clay into a functional or beautiful object can be very rewarding.

  4. Physical Engagement: Pottery involves the use of hands and requires fine motor skills. Engaging in tactile activities like pottery can help improve hand-eye coordination and overall dexterity.

  5. Distraction from Negative Thoughts: Engaging in pottery can provide a healthy distraction from negative thought patterns or rumination. Focusing on the tactile sensations and the creative process can redirect the mind away from distressing thoughts.

  6. Social Interaction: Participating in pottery classes or workshops can offer opportunities for social interaction and a sense of community. Connecting with others who share similar interests can have positive effects on mental well-being.

  7. Catharsis and Emotional Release: The physical act of shaping clay and working with your hands can serve as a cathartic outlet for emotional tension. Kneading and shaping clay can symbolize the release of built-up stress or frustration.

  8. Learning and Growth: Learning a new skill and mastering the techniques involved in pottery can provide a sense of continuous growth and personal development. This sense of progress can contribute to overall well-being.

It's important to note that the benefits of pottery for mental health can vary from person to person. Some may find great comfort and relaxation in working with clay, while others might not find it as appealing.

If you're interested in trying pottery as a means of improving your mental health, it's a good idea to start with an open mind and see how it resonates with you.

We have single-class options to see if you enjoy it – check the schedule and we look forward to meeting you at The ClayGround.


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